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The Centre features a new light, bright ‘Information’ space including an extensive mezzanine space, for displaying books, studying and research; and two specific ‘Innovation’ spaces. These include a design space, where innovative ideas can be brought together, and a ‘maker’ space or construction zone, where students have access to modern fabrication tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters and tools.
Various coding clubs take place in The Centre and outside experts are brought in to St Andrew’s to assist with its Technology programme. Bryn Lewis, a Microsoft MVP, who has a particular interest in the Internet of Things, has been working with senior students to write code and runs a Girls’ Code Club on Friday afternoons.
The College has a strong robotics programme, with its senior Vex Robotics team recently becoming Christchurch Vex champions at a robotics event held at the University of Canterbury Engineering Core. Younger students also participate in Lego Mindstorm, which is also supported by the University of Canterbury.