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Regulus // Issue 2 // August 2023
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A large crowd, including many Pipe Band Old Collegians and their partners, and current Pipe Band parents and their guests, enjoyed the fun night, which was a major fundraiser for the Pipe Band’s trip to Scotland in August to compete at the World Pipe Band Championships.
Gym 1 was transformed for the event and many guests took up the invitation to wear a touch of tartan, as well as their dancing shoes on the night. Live and silent auctions were well supported. The organising committee and Communications Department did a wonderful job putting together the Ceilidh, which was both a celebration of St Andrew’s proud Scottish heritage, and a successful fundraiser for the Pipe Band.
More news for Community
The Rector's Address from the third edition of Regulus for 2023.
The Board Chair's Address from the third edition of Regulus for 2023.
St Andrew’s College welcomes Health & Safety Manager, Art Preuss, to aid safety and enrich campus well-being with his diverse expertise.
Agristudies rise in popularity, guiding students toward diverse primary sector careers through practical skills and industry insights.