Woodlock, Michael
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Name | Peer Year |
Abbott, William | 1937 |
Moore, Brian | 1940 |
Watson, Colin | 1940 |
Gray, Scott | 1941 |
Long, Robert | 1941 |
Beanland, Alan | 1942 |
Harrison, Rex | 1943 |
Murray, Kenneth | 1943 |
Blackwell, David | 1944 |
MacDonald, Colin | 1944 |
Shearer, Graham | 1944 |
Doak, John | 1945 |
Abbott, Chris | 1946 |
Fowler, Roger | 1946 |
French, Raymond
1946 |
Name | Peer Year | Name | Peer Year |
Bloxham, Raines | 1947 | Chapman, John | 1954 |
Mann, Athol | 1947 | Cockburn, Derek | 1954 |
Steel, Jeffrey | 1947 | Dowling, Graham | 1954 |
Childs, Reverend Bruce | 1948 | Hilson, Euan | 1954 |
Musgrove, John | 1948 | Jowers, Colin | 1954 |
Shipley, Ken | 1948 | Lane, Robin | 1954 |
Smart, Brian | 1948 | Lawson, Roger | 1954 |
Bowater, Barry | 1949 | Matheson, Dan | 1954 |
Featherston, Warren | 1949 | Miller, Jock | 1954 |
McIntosh, Neil | 1949 | Powell, Barry | 1954 |
Miller, Reg | 1949 | Rae, Stewart | 1954 |
Price, Grahame | 1949 | Adams, Denis | 1955 |
Stevens, Peter | 1949 | Field, Duncan | 1955 |
Syme, David | 1949 | Fraser, Bruce | 1955 |
Voss, Peter
1949 | Godfrey, John | 1955 |
Wardell, Keith
1949 | Hamilton, Robert | 1955 |
Hunt, Barrie
1950 | Henderson, Graham | 1955 |
Mirfin, Bryson
1950 | Lambie, Neil | 1955 |
Poole, Ernie
1950 | Margetts, John | 1955 |
Spencer, George
1950 | McCallum, Bill | 1955 |
Anderson, Keith
1951 | McIver, Murray | 1955 |
Brown, Lindsay
1951 | Norrie, Dougal | 1955 |
Burrows, Thomas
1951 | Patterson, Allan | 1955 |
Hudson, Alastair
1951 | Petrie, Bob | 1955 |
Ogilvie, Gordon
1951 | Richards, Peter | 1955 |
Paterson, Robert
1951 | Scrimshaw, George | 1955 |
Perry, Donald
1951 | Sidey, John | 1955 |
Riach, Brian
1951 | Simpson, Ross | 1955 |
Scott, Bruce
1951 | Sloss, Donald | 1955 |
Sim, Graeme
1951 | Stalker, John | 1955 |
Winnicott, Alan
1951 | Anderson, Roger | 1956 |
Allan, Michael
1952 | Barton, Patrick | 1956 |
Bird, Barrie
1952 | Black, John | 1956 |
Brown, Geoff
1952 | Davison, Donald | 1956 |
Dowling, Brian
1952 | Dysart, James | 1956 |
Neale, John
1952 | Eastmond, David | 1956 |
Patterson, Basil
1952 | Gray, Russell | 1956 |
Wallace, Tony
1952 | Lundy, Glynn | 1956 |
Bruce-Barron, Rob
1953 | Marshall, Derek | 1956 |
Dewar, Ian
1953 | McCaskey, John | 1956 |
Elms, Mostyn
1953 | McLachlan, Leith | 1956 |
Goode, David
1953 | Millar, Geoffrey | 1956 |
Gunn, John
1953 | Newbury, David | 1956 |
Hudson, Jim
1953 | Norris, Vernon | 1956 |
Inwood, Graham
1953 | Raymond, Garry | 1956 |
Kay, George
1953 | Scott, Alastair | 1956 |
Laugesen, Murray
1953 | Stokes, Ian | 1956 |
Russell, Alexander
1953 | Stokes, Stanley | 1956 |
Spark, Bob
1953 | Turner, William | 1956 |
White, Michael
1953 | White, Adrian | 1956 |
Askin, George
1954 |
Whitty, Bevan
1956 |
Bates, Tom
1954 |
Name | Peer Year | Name | Peer Year |
Ashworth, Samual | 1957 | Saunders, Michael |
1961 |
Cross, Maurice | 1957 | Seward, Rob | 1961 |
Fleming, Alastair | 1957 | Shepheard, Miles | 1961 |
Gillanders, Keith | 1957 | Smith, Murray | 1961 |
Hearn, David | 1957 | Trotter, Robert | 1961 |
Innes, Lance | 1957 | Ullrich, John | 1961 |
Inwood, Warick | 1957 | Voice, David | 1961 |
Jones, Ronald | 1957 | Woollett, Maxwell | 1961 |
Lake, Roger | 1957 | Wyllie, Don | 1961 |
Lawton, Jim | 1957 | Askin, George | 1962 |
Lee, Tony | 1957 | Bain, Gavin | 1962 |
Malcolmson, George | 1957 | Beaven, James | 1962 |
Marsden, Brian | 1957 | Birdling, Albert | 1962 |
McLean, Stuart | 1957 | Croft, Russell | 1962 |
Melville, Ian | 1957 | Fox, Stuart | 1962 |
Milliken, Maurice | 1957 | Gardner, Peter | 1962 |
Radcliffe, Michael | 1957 | Howman, Martin | 1962 |
Rose, Murray | 1957 | Hunt, Brian | 1962 |
Selwood, Melvyn | 1957 | Johns, Stewart | 1962 |
Silby, Winston | 1957 | Jones, Peter | 1962 |
Sloss, Robert | 1957 | Maze, John | 1962 |
Stewart, Sir Robert | 1957 | Moore, Bruce | 1962 |
Thomson, Neil | 1957 | Nicholson, Noel | 1962 |
Walker, Jim | 1957 | Pain, Stuart | 1962 |
Watson, Warwick | 1957 | Palliser, Brian | 1962 |
Wells, Graham | 1957 | Patterson, Jock | 1962 |
Westgarth, Malcolm | 1957 | Sweet, Richard | 1962 |
Adams, Brian | 1958 | Taylor, Peter | 1962 |
Allen, William | 1958 | Anderson, David | 1963 |
Bell, Grenville | 1958 | Broadbelt, Grant | 1963 |
Bennie, Douglas | 1958 | Brown, Howard | 1963 |
Brown, Alistair | 1958 | Gardner, John | 1963 |
Brown, John | 1958 | Green, Frank | 1963 |
Bull, Frederick | 1958 | Jacobsen, Dennis | 1963 |
Early, Walter | 1958 | Jeffs, Warren | 1963 |
Gardner, Edward | 1958 | MacDonald, Peter | 1963 |
Hegan, Derek | 1958 | Malthus, Michael | 1963 |
Johnson, Colin | 1958 | Meyer, Murray | 1963 |
King, Russell | 1958 | Myhre, Richard | 1963 |
McKinley, Ron | 1958 | Reece, Thomas | 1963 |
Moffatt, Nelson | 1958 | Sidey, Andrew | 1963 |
Morrison, John | 1958 | Smith, Alistair | 1963 |
Murtagh, Ron | 1958 | Smith, Peter | 1963 |
Oakley, Edward | 1958 | Soulsby, Roger | 1963 |
Patterson, Jock | 1958 | Stubbings, Peter | 1963 |
Pawsey, Robin | 1958 | Sturge, Peter | 1963 |
Prosser, John | 1958 | Thompson, Gaire | 1963 |
Satterthwaite, Ian Bruce | 1958 | Thompson, Peter | 1963 |
Saunders, Tim | 1958 | Ward, Irvine | 1963 |
Sidey, Murray | 1958 | Wilson, Meredith | 1963 |
Taylor, Bill | 1958 | Bond, Ian | 1964 |
Taylor, Mark | 1958 | Clark, Barry | 1964 |
Watson, Anthony | 1958 | Croft, Warwick | 1964 |
Wells, Geoff | 1958 | Currie, Terence | 1964 |
Cameron, Ian | 1959 | Downes, Murray | 1964 |
Croft, Robert | 1959 | Duthie, Struan James | 1964 |
Currie, George | 1959 | Ellis, Stephen | 1964 |
Dysart, John | 1959 | Esson, Ian | 1964 |
Johns, Tony | 1959 | Galloway, Euan | 1964 |
Jones, Richard | 1959 | Gillies, John | 1964 |
Judson, Neil | 1959 | Green, Jim | 1964 |
Kent, Russell | 1959 | Hendrie, Dave | 1964 |
MaCauley, Ian | 1959 | Innes, Rodney | 1964 |
Maginness, Gavin | 1959 | Luisetti, Richard | 1964 |
Mawson, Graeme | 1959 | Lyttle, David | 1964 |
McGill, John | 1959 | McClelland, John | 1964 |
Moyle, David | 1959 | McKechnie, Grant | 1964 |
Scott, Wal | 1959 | Naysmith, Robbie | 1964 |
Shields, Gordon | 1959 | Regnault, Christopher | 1964 |
Stubberfield, Michael | 1959 | Rough, Peter | 1964 |
Syme, John | 1959 | Saunders, Anthony | 1964 |
Watson, Selwyn | 1959 | Scott, Alastair | 1964 |
White, Paul | 1959 | Scott, Patrick | 1964 |
Young, Anthony | 1959 | Sharp, Tom | 1964 |
Young, David | 1959 | Steel, Peter | 1964 |
Allan, Jack | 1960 | Taylor, Bruce | 1964 |
Anderson, Robert | 1960 | Threlkeld, David | 1964 |
Birkett, Paul | 1960 | Watson, Barry | 1964 |
Chisnall, Jack | 1960 | Whyte, Anthony | 1964 |
Gardner, Brian | 1960 | Wilson, Christopher | 1964 |
Hadley, Rodger | 1960 | Bayley, John | 1965 |
Johnston, Robin | 1960 | Downing, Anthony | 1965 |
Lambie, Allan | 1960 | Gardner, Bruce | 1965 |
Maginness, Don | 1960 | Gardner, Murray | 1965 |
Mawson, Bruce | 1960 | Grant, Alan | 1965 |
McFadden, Grant | 1960 | Gunns, Russell | 1965 |
McLean, Anthony | 1960 | Hall, Bill | 1965 |
Mills, James | 1960 | Hart, Reece | 1965 |
Murray, Stuart | 1960 | Lyttle, David | 1965 |
Rainey, John | 1960 | McKenzie, Rod | 1965 |
Richards, Gordon | 1960 | Prouting, Ray | 1965 |
Sheppard, Christopher | 1960 | Reid, Donald | 1965 |
Trumper, James | 1960 | Rose, Philip | 1965 |
Walker, Graham | 1960 | Skinner, Alan | 1965 |
Walker, Peter | 1960 | Smith, Terry | 1965 |
Waters, Anthony | 1960 | Belton, David | 1966 |
Westgarth, John | 1960 | Davidson, Nicholas | 1966 |
Bradshaw, Gareth | 1961 | Fechney, John | 1966 |
Chamberlain, Murray | 1961 | George, Anthony | 1966 |
Cooke, Murray | 1961 | Gunns, Warren | 1966 |
Evans, Professor Lewis | 1961 | Haley, Bill | 1966 |
Graham, John | 1961 | Hurford, Les | 1966 |
Halliburton, Bruce | 1961 | MaCartney, Hugh | 1966 |
Halliday, Mike | 1961 | Marr, Graham | 1966 |
Hancock, Bob | 1961 | McFarlane, David | 1966 |
Hartnell, Murray | 1961 | McIlraith, Alisdair | 1966 |
Jones, William Hollis | 1961 | McMillan, John | 1966 |
Joyce, Donald | 1961 | Milner, Bruce | 1966 |
Leslie, Albyn | 1961 | Moore, Rex | 1966 |
Mars, James | 1961 | Seward, Bart | 1966 |
Mitchell, Ron | 1961 | Shaw, Charles | 1966 |
Nelson, Jerry | 1961 | Shepherd, Lawson | 1966 |
O’Hara, John | 1961 | Sheppard, Andy | 1966 |
Parsons, Bill | 1961 | Whiteside, Peter | 1966 |
Robertson, Graham | 1961 | Wiffen, Charles | 1966 |
Rose, Roger
1961 |
Wilkie, Alun
1966 |
Name | Peer Year | Name | Peer Year |
Anderson, Stuart | 1967 | Johnston, Paul | 1972 |
Bascand, Bruce | 1967 | Little, Ian | 1972 |
Black, Arthur | 1967 | Nutt, Michael | 1972 |
Eyes, Stuart | 1967 | Olds, Bill | 1972 |
Gardner, William | 1967 | Shadbolt, Mark | 1972 |
Gluyas, Bill | 1967 | Sidey, Peter | 1972 |
Guy, Warren | 1967 | Templeton, Rod | 1972 |
Hall, Philip | 1967 | Worner, Graeme | 1972 |
Hart, Don | 1967 | Carleton, Garry | 1973 |
Hueston, Doug | 1967 | Coey, Graeme | 1973 |
MacDonald, Peter | 1967 | Dennis, Terence | 1973 |
McElrea, Thomas | 1967 | Gray, Christopher | 1973 |
McEwan, Murray | 1967 | Holmes, Murray | 1973 |
Miller, Grant | 1967 | Ivey, Ross | 1973 |
Moore, Max | 1967 | Kay, Francis | 1973 |
Murdoch, Kevin | 1967 | King, Arch | 1973 |
Nell, Bruce | 1967 | Marshall, Evan | 1973 |
Scott, Tim | 1967 | McElroy, Philip | 1973 |
Smith, Ian | 1967 | Mitchell, Warwick | 1973 |
Tanner, Ross | 1967 | Mulholland, Mark | 1973 |
Vaughan, Stuart | 1967 | Parr, Steve | 1973 |
White, Christopher | 1967 | Reuhman, John | 1973 |
Woods, Michael | 1967 | Reynolds, Greg | 1973 |
Wright, Donald Leicester | 1967 | Ridgen, Charles | 1973 |
Barnett, Peter | 1968 | Russell, Richard | 1973 |
Bisset, Ross | 1968 | Tucker, Gregory | 1973 |
Brockett, Reg | 1968 | Whitehead, Mark | 1973 |
French-Wright, Lyal | 1968 | Blue, John | 1974 |
Graham, Peter | 1968 | Chisholm, Gary | 1974 |
Henderson, Ian | 1968 | Davidson, Miles | 1974 |
Lockie, Ian | 1968 | De Pass, Hamish | 1974 |
MacLeod, Callum | 1968 | Dryden, Michael | 1974 |
Maxwell, Richard | 1968 | Ferguson, David | 1974 |
Prentice, Craig | 1968 | Ford, Henry | 1974 |
Sidey, Michael | 1968 | France, David | 1974 |
Smith, Peter | 1968 | Gillanders, Donald | 1974 |
Soulsby, David | 1968 | Halliday, Richard | 1974 |
Tait, David | 1968 | Jessep, Donald | 1974 |
Thomson, Fenton | 1968 | Johnston, Mike | 1974 |
Twiss, Francis | 1968 | Letham, Guy | 1974 |
Aitken, Bryan | 1969 | McCormick, Gordon | 1974 |
Bain, John | 1969 | McGarry, Graham | 1974 |
Finch, Alan Grant | 1969 | McIntosh, Thomas | 1974 |
Hamilton, Mike | 1969 | McLeod, Alasdair | 1974 |
Jenkins, Kevin | 1969 | Morrison, Alistair | 1974 |
Johnson, Lindsay | 1969 | Munro, Andrew | 1974 |
Maze, Julian | 1969 | Nelson, Peter | 1974 |
Murdoch, Grant | 1969 | O’Connor, Miles | 1974 |
Snushall, Peter | 1969 | Olorenshaw, Geoff | 1974 |
Strachan, Martin | 1969 | Stevenson, John | 1974 |
Bettle, Nicholas | 1970 | Taylor, Stephen | 1974 |
De Pass, Denis | 1970 | Briggs, Andrew | 1975 |
Hueston, Gerald | 1970 | Buick, Graham | 1975 |
Kelman, Doug | 1970 | Chamberlain, Peter | 1975 |
Moore, Greg | 1970 | Ensor, Willy | 1975 |
Ussher, Gavin | 1970 | Hamilton, Kim | 1975 |
Walker, Philip | 1970 | Mauger, Philip | 1975 |
Wallace, Ian | 1970 | McKenzie, Ken | 1975 |
Abbott, Guy | 1971 | McLachlan, John | 1975 |
Besley, Graeme | 1971 | McLaughlin, Alex | 1975 |
Burrows, Bill | 1971 | Mulholland, Rob | 1975 |
Cartwright, Scott | 1971 | Shand, David | 1975 |
Crouch, Richard | 1971 | Stokes, Brian | 1975 |
Finch, Paul | 1971 | Wright, Stuart | 1975 |
Glasson, Chris | 1971 | Black, Kevin | 1976 |
Goss, Ian | 1971 | Blackwell, Andrew | 1976 |
MacRae, David | 1971 | Bonniface, Grant | 1976 |
Marshall, Gavin | 1971 | Harris, Mark | 1976 |
McEwan, Paul | 1971 | Hepburn, Robert | 1976 |
Ruske, Neville | 1971 | Mackintosh, Andrew | 1976 |
Turley, Murray | 1971 | McLean, Dugald | 1976 |
Walker, Warren | 1971 | McLean, Hamish | 1976 |
Wiffen, Geoffrey | 1971 | Palmer, Willie | 1976 |
Winskill, Max | 1971 | Shipley, Murray | 1976 |
Abbott, Chris | 1972 | Stanley, Stewart | 1976 |
Barr, John | 1972 | Stevenson, Scott | 1976 |
Dahl, Paul | 1972 |
Williamson, Paul
1976 |
Gillanders, Andrew
1972 |
Name | Peer Year | Name | Peer Year |
Aubrey, Henry | 1977 | Murray, Andrew | 1981 |
Dini, Peter | 1977 | Payne, Graeme | 1981 |
Fechney, Brian | 1977 | Royds, Philip | 1981 |
Gilbert, Peter | 1977 | Sabiston, Anthony | 1981 |
Gimblett, Greg | 1977 | Schmidt, Andy | 1981 |
Hobson, Trevor | 1977 | Sheat, Ken | 1981 |
Holmes, John | 1977 | Stokes, David | 1981 |
Jenkins, Thomas | 1977 | Taggart, Paul | 1981 |
Kitchin, Trevor | 1977 | Walton, Noel | 1981 |
Marshall, Graeme | 1977 | Wells, Kerry | 1981 |
McMillan, Kelvin | 1977 | Cockram, Angus | 1982 |
Moorhead, David | 1977 | Dowling, Craig | 1982 |
Preston, Nick | 1977 | Fraser, Bruce | 1982 |
Sim, Peter | 1977 | Hille, Oli | 1982 |
Sutherland, Bill | 1977 | Lane, John | 1982 |
Templeton, Derek | 1977 | Matthews, Lyndon | 1982 |
Tod, Christopher | 1977 | Ott, Richard | 1982 |
Wilson, Rick | 1977 | Pearson, Scott | 1982 |
Abel, John | 1978 | Power, Richard | 1982 |
Adams, David | 1978 | Redmond, Chris | 1982 |
Anderson, Albert | 1978 | Sutherland, Andrew | 1982 |
Childs, Pete | 1978 | Anderson, Duncan | 1983 |
Duncan, Edward | 1978 | Black, Graham | 1983 |
Finlayson, Blair | 1978 | Darling, Tim | 1983 |
Forrester, Mark | 1978 | Graham, Craig | 1983 |
Hall, Douglas | 1978 | Johns, Michael | 1983 |
McPherson, Allister | 1978 | Kyle, Andrew | 1983 |
Norris, Tom | 1978 | McIntosh, James | 1983 |
Platt, Grant | 1978 | McMillan, Chris | 1983 |
Restall, Grant | 1978 | Millar, Hamish | 1983 |
Rodgers, Cameron | 1978 | Porter, Mark | 1983 |
Smith, Shaun | 1978 | Riley, Warren | 1983 |
Bates, Duncan | 1979 | Smith, Kent | 1983 |
Campbell, Thomas | 1979 | Tiso, John | 1983 |
Davidson, William | 1979 | Ward, Iain | 1983 |
Ferguson, Andrew | 1979 | Galilee, Craig | 1984 |
Frampton, Chris | 1979 | Gould, Richard | 1984 |
Gunn, Guy | 1979 | Heasley, Scott | 1984 |
MacMaster, Hamish | 1979 | Johnston, Timothy | 1984 |
McPherson, Adam | 1979 | Lancaster, Matthew | 1984 |
Milligan, Ian | 1979 | Mahan, Andrew | 1984 |
Pattie, Martin | 1979 | McIntosh, Robert | 1984 |
Shipley, James | 1979 | McLean, Don | 1984 |
Stewart, Doug | 1979 | Murray, Dougall | 1984 |
Wells, Michael | 1979 | Nicholls, David | 1984 |
Whitaker, Ray | 1979 | Prosser, Mark | 1984 |
Alexander, Craig | 1980 | Smith, Craig | 1984 |
Boon, Warwick | 1980 | Smith, Peter | 1984 |
Chaney, Char | 1980 | Smith, Richard | 1984 |
Cockram, Matthew | 1980 | Syme, Derek | 1984 |
Cooke, James | 1980 | Taylor, Paul | 1984 |
Eder, Mike | 1980 | Wells, Tim | 1984 |
Hawke, Richard | 1980 | Westgarth, James | 1984 |
Holmes, Warwick | 1980 | Barron, David | 1985 |
Howden, Mark | 1980 | Clark, Richard | 1985 |
Inch, Bryan | 1980 | Cockram, Dougal | 1985 |
Lockie, Don | 1980 | Ensor, Chris | 1985 |
MacMillan, Hugh | 1980 | McFadden, Jamie | 1985 |
Marris, Ted | 1980 | Mitchell, Hamish | 1985 |
McKenzie, Andrew | 1980 | Pirker, John | 1985 |
O’Neill, Brett | 1980 | Rose, Richard | 1985 |
Pearson, Bryan | 1980 | Russell, Hugh | 1985 |
Sheppard, Michael | 1980 | Sutton, Allen | 1985 |
Souter, Andrew | 1980 | Walton, Gary | 1985 |
Stewart, Mark | 1980 | Wilson, Angus | 1985 |
Wilson, Gray | 1980 | Anderson, Don | 1986 |
Blair, John | 1981 | Bingham, Paul | 1986 |
Booker, John | 1981 | Darling, Hamish | 1986 |
Brown, Mark | 1981 | Glass, Colin | 1986 |
Clapp, Richard | 1981 | Hegan, Dean | 1986 |
Dallison, John | 1981 | Johnson, Christopher | 1986 |
Darling, Peter | 1981 | Leech, Richard | 1986 |
Dear, Tom | 1981 | MacLeod, Andrew | 1986 |
Early, Grant | 1981 | Maginness, Tony | 1986 |
Flint, Jonathan | 1981 | McGuckin, James | 1986 |
Grant, Andrew | 1981 | Sharpe, Andrew | 1986 |
Gunn, Stew | 1981 | Sidey, Richard | 1986 |
Hall, Andrew | 1981 | Smith, Tim | 1986 |
Hamilton, David | 1981 | Syme, Hamish | 1986 |
Hurley, Don | 1981 | Thomson, James | 1986 |
Jarman, David | 1981 | Wallace, Andrew | 1986 |
Mander, John
1981 | Wells, Chris | 1986 |
Mander, Simon | 1981 |
West, David
1986 |
McCormack, Campbell | 1981 |
Name | Maiden Name | Peer Year |
Adams, Stephen | – | 1987 |
Benny, Andrew | – | 1987 |
Couper, Gideon | – | 1987 |
Eaves, David | – | 1987 |
Flood, Jeremy | – | 1987 |
Godsall, Mark | – | 1987 |
Hampton, Christopher | – | 1987 |
Hilson, Guy | – | 1987 |
Inkson, Michael | – | 1987 |
Johns, Duncan | – | 1987 |
Johnson, Charles | – | 1987 |
Johnson, Paul | – | 1987 |
McBreen, Chris | – | 1987 |
McFarlane, Andrew | – | 1987 |
Moffatt, Ross | – | 1987 |
Paterson, Barry | – | 1987 |
Perry, Mandy | – | 1987 |
Riley, Tim | – | 1987 |
Robinson, Kane | – | 1987 |
Sloss, James | – | 1987 |
Smith, Phil | – | 1987 |
Tavendale, Mark | – | 1987 |
Thomson, David | – | 1987 |
Tomkinson, James | – | 1987 |
Wells, Jonathan | – | 1987 |
Anderson, Scott | – | 1988 |
Bates, Andrew | – | 1988 |
Bone, Kevin | – | 1988 |
Cathcart, Simon | – | 1988 |
Charteris, Brendon | – | 1988 |
Gardner, Jason | – | 1988 |
Hamilton, Andrew | – | 1988 |
Hartnell, James | – | 1988 |
Harvie, Nicholas | – | 1988 |
Hay, Mark | – | 1988 |
Leighs, Anthony | – | 1988 |
Maxwell, Simon | – | 1988 |
Millar, Pat | – | 1988 |
Pye, Leighton | – | 1988 |
Shuttleworth, Justin | – | 1988 |
Sidey, Mark | – | 1988 |
Sidey, Michael | – | 1988 |
Stanley, Sam | – | 1988 |
Ullrich, Mark | – | 1988 |
Ullrich, James | – | 1988 |
Vinnell, Crispin | – | 1988 |
Willis, Mark | – | 1988 |
Amor, Richard | – | 1989 |
Atkinson, Dean | – | 1989 |
Beasley, Robert | – | 1989 |
Birkett, David | – | 1989 |
Bisphan, Kerry | – | 1989 |
Calder, Stuart | – | 1989 |
Davies, Andrew | – | 1989 |
Dick, David | – | 1989 |
Eaves, Andrew | – | 1989 |
Evans, Gareth | – | 1989 |
Frazer, Greg | – | 1989 |
Glover, Ben | – | 1989 |
Hall, Simon | – | 1989 |
Harkerss, Andrew | – | 1989 |
Harvie, Rick | – | 1989 |
Hopping, Andrew | – | 1989 |
Hurn, Ellery | – | 1989 |
Irving, Simon | – | 1989 |
Kininmonth, Andrew | – | 1989 |
Knowles, Jason | – | 1989 |
Logie, Rob | – | 1989 |
Lowry, Mark | – | 1989 |
McGuckin, Ross | – | 1989 |
Mulholland, Richard | – | 1989 |
Murray, James | – | 1989 |
North, Richard | – | 1989 |
Prebble, Hamish | – | 1989 |
Preston, Mike | – | 1989 |
Simpson, Jeremy | – | 1989 |
Spark, Geoff | – | 1989 |
Turner, Ben | – | 1989 |
Vette, Warren | – | 1989 |
Voice, Todd | – | 1989 |
Walker, Phillip | – | 1989 |
White, Anthony | – | 1989 |
Wong, Hassan | – | 1989 |
Wyllie, Andrew | – | 1989 |
Allison, Mark | – | 1990 |
Cook, Sherridan | – | 1990 |
Davison, Paul | – | 1990 |
Mackintosh, Duncan | – | 1990 |
Marshall, Andrew | – | 1990 |
Mason, Julian | – | 1990 |
McGeorge, James | – | 1990 |
McGrouther, Campbell | – | 1990 |
McNee, Andrew | – | 1990 |
North, Stuart | – | 1990 |
Pirie, Clark | – | 1990 |
Rowley, Mark | – | 1990 |
Sidey, Andrew | – | 1990 |
Sutherland, Blair | – | 1990 |
Tennant, Hamish | – | 1990 |
Timbs, Chris | – | 1990 |
Adams, Phil | – | 1991 |
Brown, Julian | – | 1991 |
Burke, Simon | – | 1991 |
Ellis, Mark | – | 1991 |
Maxwell, Geoff | – | 1991 |
Naylor, Jason | – | 1991 |
Smith, Des | – | 1991 |
Trott, John | – | 1991 |
Barnes, Mike | – | 1992 |
Gilbert, Lindsay | – | 1992 |
Hill, Hamish | – | 1992 |
Irwin, Hamish | – | 1992 |
Jones, James | – | 1992 |
MaCauley, Jo | McNeice | 1992 |
MaCauley, Mark | – | 1992 |
Moran, Mat | – | 1992 |
Richardson, Hamish | – | 1992 |
Steel, Robert | – | 1992 |
Tavendale, James | – | 1992 |
Thomas, Richard | – | 1992 |
Bishell, Tim | – | 1993 |
Borthwick, James | – | 1993 |
Broadbelt, Hayden | – | 1993 |
Columbus, Mike | – | 1993 |
Condon, Amanda | Cole | 1993 |
Croft, Leighton | – | 1993 |
Girdlestone, James | – | 1993 |
Gower, Rodney | – | 1993 |
Griffiths, Ed | – | 1993 |
Heller, Brydon | – | 1993 |
Leary, Penny | Skelton | 1993 |
Lingard, Matt (aka Matt Hay) | – | 1993 |
Mason, Tim | Schousboe | 1993 |
McLeod, Clark | – | 1993 |
Pearson, Shane | – | 1993 |
Smith, Miranda | White | 1993 |
Smith, Michael | – | 1993 |
Smith, Mike | – | 1993 |
Timbs, David | – | 1993 |
Twiss, James | – | 1993 |
Van Asch, Marcus | – | 1993 |
Aldridge, Scott | – | 1994 |
Bateman, Geraldine | Jacobson | 1994 |
Bennett, Paul | – | 1994 |
Cavanagh, Samuel | – | 1994 |
De Joux, Phil | – | 1994 |
Field, Lance | – | 1994 |
Gibbons, Paul | – | 1994 |
Gillies, Sarah | – | 1994 |
Graham, Simon | – | 1994 |
Harding, James | – | 1994 |
Hart, Benjamin | – | 1994 |
Johnson, Campbell | – | 1994 |
Leighs, Chris | – | 1994 |
McFedries, Adrian | – | 1994 |
McLeod, Andrew | – | 1994 |
Murphy, Rob | – | 1994 |
Russell, Ben | – | 1994 |
Scaife, Thomas | – | 1994 |
Stewart, Mike | – | 1994 |
Baker, Antoinette | – | 1995 |
Bissland, Rhys | – | 1995 |
Broadbelt, Lydia | – | 1995 |
Hay, Scott | – | 1995 |
McHarg, Tim | – | 1995 |
Michael, John | – | 1995 |
Moore, Jeremy | – | 1995 |
Nell, James | – | 1995 |
Opie, Karen | Dalley | 1995 |
Shearer, Ryan | – | 1995 |
Adams, Chris | – | 1996 |
Ferguson, Ben | – | 1996 |
Gilbert, Hamish | – | 1996 |
Hamilton, Jamie | – | 1996 |
Maxwell, Dan | – | 1996 |
Scragg, Jonathan | – | 1996 |
Taylor, Hamish | – | 1996 |
Twiss, Emma
– | 1996 |
Name | Maiden Name | Peer Year |
Bunting, Craig | – | 1997 |
Calder, Tim | – | 1997 |
Darby, Jonathan | – | 1997 |
Dugdale, Oliver | – | 1997 |
Gower, Matt | – | 1997 |
Griffiths, Bevan | – | 1997 |
Hall, Will | – | 1997 |
Kilday, Scott | – | 1997 |
Marshall, Michael | – | 1997 |
McIntosh, James | – | 1997 |
Pickering, Cameron | – | 1997 |
Regnault, Anthony | – | 1997 |
Stenhouse, Richard | – | 1997 |
Bascand, John | – | 1998 |
Bermingham, Anna | Gillanders | 1998 |
Breading, Lillian | – | 1998 |
Drewitt, Brett | – | 1998 |
McKay, James | – | 1998 |
Neal, Geoff | – | 1998 |
Poh, Miriam | Butler | 1998 |
Rose, Jonathon | – | 1998 |
Tamou, Lana | Sweney | 1998 |
Browne, Patrick | – | 1999 |
Losco, Giovanni | – | 1999 |
Macklin, Chris | – | 1999 |
McIntosh, Lyndon | – | 1999 |
Shelton, Simon | – | 1999 |
Thompson, Hamish | – | 1999 |
Bennett, John | – | 2000 |
Cox, Gareth | – | 2000 |
Francis, Dan | – | 2000 |
King, Simon | – | 2000 |
McGarry, Paul | – | 2000 |
Mulholland, Daniel | – | 2000 |
Rice, Phil | – | 2000 |
Alfeld, Brad | – | 2001 |
Cameron, Joanne | Gallagher | 2001 |
Denton, Nic | – | 2001 |
Hamiora, Kate | Stevenson | 2001 |
Letham, Nick | – | 2001 |
McLoughlin, Emma | MacDonald | 2001 |
Rees, Sean | – | 2001 |
Sproull, Antony | – | 2001 |
Sutherland, Matt | – | 2001 |
Broadbridge, Andrew | – | 2002 |
Bruce, Julia | Chaplin | 2002 |
Carter, Andrew | – | 2002 |
Johnson, Poppie | Gerber | 2002 |
Lynch, David | – | 2002 |
Moore, Jonathan | – | 2002 |
Roggisch, Katie | Bierwirth | 2002 |
Van Beek, Sacha | – | 2002 |
Wethey, Gabrielle | – | 2002 |
Wilson, Ben | – | 2002 |
McNeice, Dylan | – | 2003 |
Munro, Stuart | – | 2003 |
Boraston, Alice | – | 2004 |
Jack, Richard | – | 2004 |
Letham, Andrew | – | 2004 |
Munro, James | – | 2004 |
Yang, Alice | – | 2004 |
Richards, Emma | Bierwirth | 2005 |
Wall, Charlotte | – | 2005 |
Grigg, Jack | – | 2006 |
McCormick, James | – | 2006 |
Shadbolt, Nick | – | 2006 |
Storey, Richard | – | 2006 |
Wall, Piers
– | 2006 |
Name | Maiden Name | Peer Year |
Anderson, Benjamin | – | 2007 |
Andrews, Richard | – | 2007 |
Baker, Kate | – | 2007 |
Clark, Justin | – | 2007 |
Clark, Richard | – | 2007 |
Collins, Lucy | – | 2007 |
Connell, Bridie | – | 2007 |
Cox, Katie | – | 2007 |
Daly, Rosanna | – | 2007 |
Davison, Tom | – | 2007 |
France, Katherine | – | 2007 |
Frankenschmidt, Laura | Bryant | 2007 |
Franks, Will | – | 2007 |
Hills, Tom | – | 2007 |
Jones, Tim | – | 2007 |
Lovell, Sally | Wright | 2007 |
McGregor, Jessica | Bateman | 2007 |
McLean, Bid | – | 2007 |
Meredith, Laura | Jones | 2007 |
Moir, Dan | – | 2007 |
Nicholls, Willy | – | 2007 |
Payne, Gemma | – | 2007 |
Ridgen, Brendon | – | 2007 |
Shadbolt, Alice | – | 2007 |
Smith, Benjamin | – | 2007 |
Talboys, George | – | 2007 |
Taylor, Nick | – | 2007 |
Viegas, Adrian | – | 2007 |
Walker, Phoebe | – | 2007 |
Whitehead, Tom | – | 2007 |
Williams, Richard | – | 2007 |
Black, Ben | – | 2008 |
Broad, Sam | – | 2008 |
Brooks, Laura | – | 2008 |
Chim, Michelle | – | 2008 |
Crampton, Sarah | – | 2008 |
Donaldson, Caitlin | – | 2008 |
Fleming, Mark | – | 2008 |
Fraser, Grace | – | 2008 |
Groeneweg, Emma | – | 2008 |
Letham, Cameron | – | 2008 |
McAtamney, Matthew | – | 2008 |
McLaughlin, Andy | – | 2008 |
Robertson, Lauchlan | – | 2008 |
Roxburgh, Emily | – | 2008 |
Shadbolt, Georgina | – | 2008 |
Shipton, David | – | 2008 |
Simcock, Chris | – | 2008 |
Van Beek, Logan | – | 2008 |
Webster, Thomas | – | 2008 |
Adams, Natasha | – | 2009 |
Gaffikin, Matthew | – | 2009 |
McBreen-Smith, Lawrence | – | 2009 |
Moore, Tom | – | 2009 |
Wildey, Caitlyn | Scott | 2009 |
Ballantyne, James | – | 2010 |
Black, Megan | – | 2010 |
Brabazon, Matt | – | 2010 |
Brown, Olivia | – | 2010 |
Clarkson, Emma | – | 2010 |
Cowan, Ethan | – | 2010 |
Cowan, Reuben | – | 2010 |
Crequer, Rachelle | – | 2010 |
Darby, Cameron | – | 2010 |
Davidson, Michael | – | 2010 |
Ferguson, William | – | 2010 |
Filsell, Alex | – | 2010 |
Goss, Rose | – | 2010 |
Hagaman, Zane | – | 2010 |
Hamel, Tuscany | – | 2010 |
Hobson, Graham | – | 2010 |
Howes, Ben | – | 2010 |
Humphrey, Jack | – | 2010 |
Johnston, Chris | – | 2010 |
Kennedy, Sam | – | 2010 |
Kerr, Richard | – | 2010 |
Leighton, Alex | – | 2010 |
McClelland, Harriette | – | 2010 |
McCulloch, Courtenay | – | 2010 |
McGilivray, Beji | – | 2010 |
McKay, Connor | – | 2010 |
Miller, Emily | – | 2010 |
Morris, George | – | 2010 |
Orr, Ash | – | 2010 |
Railton, Harry | – | 2010 |
Scott, George | – | 2010 |
Shipley, Sarah | – | 2010 |
Stuart, Joe | – | 2010 |
Suckling, Matthew | – | 2010 |
Tapper, James | – | 2010 |
Thomas, Owen | – | 2010 |
Turley, Lachlan | – | 2010 |
Walmsley, Jarred | – | 2010 |
Waters, Hamish | – | 2010 |
Webster, George | – | 2010 |
Bennett, James | – | 2011 |
Chan, Daniel | – | 2011 |
Crampton, Emma | – | 2011 |
Fairhall, Claire | – | 2011 |
France, Maddy | – | 2011 |
Gardner, Hayley | – | 2011 |
Gualter, Emily | – | 2011 |
Hampton, Tilly | – | 2011 |
Hawke, Angus | – | 2011 |
Kerr, Bryn | – | 2011 |
Lucia, Aniella | – | 2011 |
March, Rebecca | – | 2011 |
McLachlan ,Kim | – | 2011 |
McLean, Ben | – | 2011 |
Nethercott, James | – | 2011 |
Nicholls, Jessica | – | 2011 |
Parker, Jack | – | 2011 |
Pringle, Jack | – | 2011 |
Shadbolt, Annabel | – | 2011 |
Smith, Mitchell | – | 2011 |
Sutherland, Megan | – | 2011 |
Wall, Oliver | – | 2011 |
Wells, Amelia | – | 2011 |
Whyte, Aleisha | – | 2011 |
Wright, Fergus | – | 2011 |
Batt, Thomas | – | 2012 |
Bisset, Sarah | – | 2012 |
Bowden, James | – | 2012 |
Brown, Henry | – | 2012 |
Calder, Ben | – | 2012 |
Carter, Leo | – | 2012 |
Coleman, Alex | – | 2012 |
Crean, Penny | – | 2012 |
Cummins, Garrick | – | 2012 |
Eastwick, Alice | – | 2012 |
Fitzhardinge, Amelia | – | 2012 |
Giesen, Olivia | – | 2012 |
Gilbert, Michael | – | 2012 |
Heazlewood, Emily | – | 2012 |
Howes, Sam | – | 2012 |
Joblin, Mark | – | 2012 |
Lane, Jaxson | – | 2012 |
Lotz, Jazmin | – | 2012 |
Merrick, Louise | – | 2012 |
Nuttall, Hayley | – | 2012 |
Pacey, Nicholas | – | 2012 |
Qiu, Julie | – | 2012 |
Railton, Georgia | – | 2012 |
Sanders, Jonathan | – | 2012 |
Shipton, Ashleigh | – | 2012 |
Whitley, Celia | – | 2012 |
Wilson, Sebastian | – | 2012 |
Yang, Ye | – | 2012 |
Yee, Monica | – | 2012 |
Barron, Oliver | – | 2013 |
Barrow, Ari | – | 2013 |
Crighton, Millie | – | 2013 |
Dear, Grace | – | 2013 |
Gillon, Lewis | – | 2013 |
Park, Ron | – | 2013 |
Railton, Willi | – | 2013 |
Read, William | – | 2013 |
Silk, Holly | – | 2013 |
Smith, Lucy | – | 2013 |
Stevenson, Annie | – | 2013 |
Whyte, Olivia | – | 2013 |
Woods, Zac | – | 2013 |
Allen, Natalie | – | 2014 |
Early, James | – | 2014 |
Gualter, Sophie | – | 2014 |
Harris, Hamish Zinzan | – | 2014 |
Henderson, Holly | – | 2014 |
Jones, Lewys | – | 2014 |
Lane, Georgia | – | 2014 |
McLean, Millie | – | 2014 |
Merrick, Zoe | – | 2014 |
O’Neil, Monique | – | 2014 |
Parker, Matthew | – | 2014 |
Sutherland, Benjamin | – | 2014 |
Walker, Toby | – | 2014 |
Walton, James | – | 2014 |
Yee, Olivia | – | 2014 |
Bremner, Millie | – | 2015 |
Kircher-Blay, Lucy | – | 2015 |
Lee, Gabby | – | 2015 |
Mirfin, George | – | 2015 |
O’Neil, James | – | 2015 |
Pooley, Francesca | – | 2015 |
Stuthridge, Greta | – | 2015 |
Taiepa, Jayda | – | 2015 |
Vanderklei, Joshua | – | 2015 |
Wallace, Hamish | – | 2015 |
Wright, Leo | – | 2015 |
Cooper, Harrison | – | 2016 |
Fitzhardinge, Oliver | – | 2016 |
Gunn, Kara | – | 2016 |
Hemphill, Thomas | – | 2016 |
McHugh, Cameron | – | 2016 |
Morgan, Caleb | – | 2016 |
Richardson, Tayla | – | 2016 |
Starkey, Joshua | – | 2016 |
Taylor, Jack | – | 2016 |
Trott, Henry | – | 2016 |
Williams, Emma | – | 2016 |
Wilson, Michael
– | 2016 |
Name | Name | Name | Name | Name |
Abbott, Chris | Everest, Nikki | Kennelly, Cherie | Nell, Bruce | Smith, Peter |
Abbott, Guy | Fairbairn, Nigel | Kidd, Alexa | Nethercott, Ian | Song, Mi Jung |
Adams, Denis | Ferguson, Andrew | King, Alison | Newman, Ed | Spark, Bob |
Allan, Michael | Ferrier, Carol | King, Russell | Newton, Charles | Spark, Geoff |
Alty, Joan | Fitzhardinge, Christine | Lake, Roger | Newton, Jane | Spark, Julia |
Anderson, Don | Fleming, Elizabeth | Lancaster, Matthew | Nicholls, David | Stedman, Vanessa |
Anderson, Duncan | Fogarty, Karen | Lane, John | Nordt, Christiane | Steiner, Chris |
Anderson, Robert | Ford, John | Lawson, Amanda | Norrie, Douglas | Stevens, Peter |
Anderson, Stuart | Foster, Susan | Lee, Yvonne | Nutt, Michael | Stevenson, Ally |
Askin, George | France, David | Leech, Richard | Oakley, Edward | Stokes, Stanley |
Atkinson, Dean | Fraser, Bruce | Leighs, Chris | Oakley, Robin | Sturge, Peter |
Austin, Tracy | Fraser, Ray | Leota, Joe | Oakley, Shirleen | Summerfield, Shane |
Bain, Gavin | Frazer, Greg | Little, Ian | Odlin, Felicity | Sutherland, Andrew |
Ballara, Zara | Gardener, Kirstie | Longden, Lynne | O’Hara, John | Sutherland, Bill |
Barclay, Gavin | Gardner, Brian | MaCartney, Hugh | Opie, Karen | Taggart, Paul |
Barron, Kevin | Gardner, Edward | MaCauley, Ian | Osteen, Billy | Tait, David |
Barrow, Jan | Gardner, William | Mackay, Gillian | Oxley, Sue | Tamou, Lana |
Batchelor, Donna | Geary, Helen | MacKinnon, Grant | Pain, Stuart | Taylor, Adrian |
Bates, Duncan | Gerrard, Helen | MacLeod, Andrew | Palmer, Willie | Taylor, Bruce |
Bates, Tom | Gilbert, Lindsay | Maginness, Don | Park, James | Taylor, Fiona |
Bayley, John | Gilbert, Peter | Marshall, Derek | Park, Kay | Taylor, Janet |
Beanland, Alan | Gillanders, Andrew | Marshall, Gavin | Parr, Steve | Taylor, Peter |
Besley, Graeme | Gillanders, Keith | Marshall, Natasha | Pawsey, Robin | Taylor, Philip |
Bingham, Paul | Gimblett, Greg | Mason, Julian | Payne, Len | Thomas, Robyn |
Bird, Ruth | Glasson, Chris | Mathieson, Sandy | Pearson, Bryan | Thomson, James |
Birkett, David | Gluyas, Bill | Matthews, Lyndon | Pett, Victoria | Thomson, Neil |
Birkett, Paul | Gordon, Angela | Maxwell, Richard | Porter, Mark | Timbs, Chris |
Bisset, Ross | Gordon, Jamie | Maze, Julian | Power, Richard | Tod, Christopher |
Bissland, Pamela | Gordon, Lynda | McAllister, Tracey | Prentice, Barbara | Tregenza, Lisa |
Bissland, Rhys | Goss, Ian | McBreen, Chris | Prentice, Craig | Trott, John |
Blay, Wendy | Graham, Peter | McCormick, Gordon | Preston, Mike | Trumper, Andy |
Bloxham, Raines | Green, Harry | McDonald, Jacqui | Price, Ann | Turner, Sally |
Blue, John | Gregg, McDonald, Steven | McDonald, Steven | Pringle, Trish | Turner, William |
Bone, Kevin | Gunn, Guy | McEwan, Paul | Prouting, Ray | Twiss, James |
Bott, Angelique | Gunns, Russell | McFadden, Jamie | Quartermain, Leta | Tyrrell, Rose |
Bourke, Melanie | Halliburton, Bruce | McFadden, Lynette | Quinn, Nicky | Ullrich, James |
Bowman, Robin | Hamilton, John | McGarry, Graham | Rainey, John | Ullrich, John |
Broadbelt, Grant | Harding, Kevin | McGuckin, Ross | Ratcliffe, Emma | Ullrich, Mark |
Broadhurst, Janet | Harris, Mark | McHaffie, Leah | Regnault, Christopher | Vanderklei, Joshua |
Brook, Renee | Harrison, Michelle | McIntosh, Neil | Richards, Emma | Vaughan, Stuart |
Brown, Geoff | Hart, Don | McIntosh, Thomas | Ridgen, Charles | Vinnell, Crispin |
Brown, John | Hart, Reece | McIntosh, Robert | Rose, Murray | Voice, David |
Brown, Shona | Hartnell, Murray | McIntyre, Anastassia | Rose, Philip | Voller, Pip |
Bryden, Jane | Hawke, Richard | McIver, Murray | Rose, Richard | Walker, Jim |
Burrows, Bill | Hay, Christine | McKechnie, Grant | Rowley, Mark | Walker, Warren |
Burrows, Lois | Hendry, Angela | McKerchar, Liz | Rumble, Stephanie | Wall, Michael |
Burrows, Roland | Hill, Hamish | McLachlan, John | Russell, Alexander | Wallace, Hamish |
Cairns, Carolyn | Hillary, Naylor | McLauchlan, Annabelle | Russell, Ben | Wallace, Ian |
Calder, Stuart | Hilson, Euan | McLean, Donald | Scanlon, Jay | Wallace, Tony |
Cammock-Elliott, Melanie | Hobson, Trevor | McLean, Dugald | Scott, Bruce | Watson, Barry |
Candy, Judith | Holland, Stephen | McLean, Stuart | Scott, Patrick | Watson, Lisa |
Candy, Tania | Holmes, John | McMillan, Chris | Scott, Wal | Wells, Adele |
Carr, Kevin | Holmes, Murray | McNeill, Sam | Seaward, Michael | Wells, Graham |
Chamberlain, Peter | Holyoake, Julia | McPherson, Allister | Sellers, Penny | Wells, Jonathan |
Chaney, Charl | Holyoake, Richard | Meyer, Murray | Selway, Karen | Wells, Michael |
Chim, Michelle | Hope, Rosie | Millar, Hamish | Sharpe, Andrew | Wells, Tim |
Clark, Richard | Hopping, Andrew | Miller, Jock | Shaw, Catriona | Westgarth, John |
Cockram, Dougal | Howard, Jocelyn | Milligan, Jane | Shaw, Leanda | White, Adrian |
Coey, Graeme | Hunt, Barrie | Milligan, Wayne | Shipley, Murray | Whitehead, Mark |
Collins, Lynda | Hurley, Don | Milliken, Maurice | Shipton, Edward | Whitnall, Melissa |
Corbin, Caitlin | Innes, Andy | Moore, Brian | Sidey, John | Wilford, Rachel |
Darling , Peter | Innes, Lance | Moore, Bruce | Sidey, Kate | Williams, Kelsey |
Davidson, Brian | Inwood, Graham | Moore, Garry | Sidey, Michael | Willis, Mark |
Davidson, Donald | Irvine, Carrie | Moore, Rex | Sidey, Murray | Wilson, Angus |
Dear, Tom | Irvine, Dave | Moran, Stephanie | Sidey, Peter | Wilson, Meredith |
Dixon, Jo | Irving, John | Moreton, Kevin | Simpson, Jeremy | Wilson, Rick |
Dowling, Graham | Ivey, Ross | Morris, Emma | Sloss, Donald | Withers, Jane |
Duncan, Edward | Jack, Amanda | Mulholland, Gillian | Smith, Alistair | Witt, Martin |
Dysart, James | Jackson, Nikki | Mulholland, Mark | Smith, Craig | Woodgate, Rob |
Early, Walter | Janett, Chris | Munro, Andrew | Smith, Diane | Wright-Taylor, Sandra |
Eaves, Georgina | Jerram, Chris | Murphy, Rob | Smith, Grant | Wyllie, Don |
Ecroyd, Melanie | Johns, Tony | Murray, Andrew | Smith, Ian | Xiong, Shaun |
Edmond, Belinda | Johnston, Robin | Murray, Daran |
Smith, Karen | Yee, Eileen |
Ellis, Ben | Jones, William | Murray, Dougall | Smith, Krissteen | Young, David |
Ellis, Mark | Judson, Neil | Murray, Stuart | Smith, Michele | |
Ensor, Chris
Kennedy, Simone
Musgrove, John
Smith, Murray |
Name | Name | Name | Name |
Absolum, Tracey | Evans, David | Lawrence, Michelle | Quane, Lisa |
Adams, Phil | Evans, Gareth | Leighton, Christine | Raateland, Julie |
Anderson, Jacqui | Evans, Julia | Leota, Joe | Radcliffe, Brownyn |
Anderson, John | Fairbairn, Christine | Leota, Mary | Radford, Jan |
Ashton-Martyn, Jo | Fairbairn, Nigel | Letham, Nick | Rattray, Pam |
Baker, Kate | Farmer, David | Livingstone, Rex | Remi, Aloma |
Ball, Rebecca | Faulls, Hamish | Lochhead, Jasmine | Richards, Emma |
Ballantyne, Alison | Feary, Pete | Lynch, Sarah | Riley, Liz |
Barron, Kevin | Fenton, Jillian | MacDonald, Dianne | Roest, Beka |
Bateman, Ann-maree | Fitzgerald ,Christina | Maister, Barry | Rogers, Julie |
Bennie, Douglas | French, John | Marshall, Jan | Rose, Beverley |
Besley, Graeme | Galloway, Hamish | Mathieson, Sandy | Ruge, John |
Bevin, David | Giles, Kristian | Mawson, Geoff | Rush, Brad |
Bierwirth, Jonathan | Gilray, Leanne | McBride, Kelly | Scott, Kathy |
Bigford, Jo | Glab, Eleanor | McCarthy, Sandra | Scott, Philippa |
Bishop, Sarah | Gregg, Jo | McDonald, John | Seaward, Michael |
Bisset, Ross | Groeneweg, Emma | McDonald, Sharon | Shepherd, Maxine |
Bisset, Sarah | Haisty, Lori | McDonald, Susan | Shepherd, Phill |
Blay, Wendy | Hallum, Rozena | McGowan, Alastair | Sidey, Kate |
Bond, Chris | Hamilton, John | McIntosh, Rod | Simcock, Virginia |
Botting, Bryan | Harrison, Joshua | McKenzie, Dean | Simmons, Jocelyn |
Broad, Sam | Harrison, Michelle | McLauchlan, Annabelle | Sinclair, John |
Broad, Shelley | Hart, Dave | McLean, Bid | Sinton, Roy |
Broughton, Barbara | Harvey, Georgia | McNeill, Sam | Smeaton, Margaret |
Brouwer, John | Hawke, Richard | Milligan, Wayne | Smith, Ben |
Burrows, Roland | Hawkins, Anj | Moore, Barbara | Smith, Mike |
Cairns, Carolyn | Hill Taiaroa, Elizabeth | Moran, Eilish | Smith, Krissteen |
Callaghan, Alexandra | Hills, Greg | Morgan, Craig | Stokes, Samuel |
Cappetta, Marisa | Hilson, Euan | Morris, Annabel | Talboys, George |
Cardno, Joan | Hoddinott, Rachael | Morrison, Ian | Taylor, Kate |
Cartwright, Scott | Hodgkinson, Mark | Morrow, Paul | Temple, Phil |
Cassidy, Megan | Hoh, Jonathan | Mulholland , Gillian | Thompson, Drummond |
Collins, Lynda | Houlahan, Pauline | Musgrove, John | Thomson, Jean |
Cook, Marjorie | Ingram, Merelyn | Narbey, Maria | Tully, Wilma |
Crawford, Diana | Innes, Glen | Naseem, Fariya | Turner, Sally |
Cummack, Brent | Irving, John | Neilson, Dave | Walker, Malcolm |
Cumming, Diane | Jack, Amanda | Noonan, Peter | White, Lyndon |
Curtis, Jeni | Jemison, Nikohl | Nutt, Michael | White, Paul |
Darling, Peter | Johnston, Mike | Ogilvie, Gordon | Whitehead, Tom |
Dawkings, Peter | Joilin, Rachelle | Orman, Heather | Wilde, Naomi |
De Spa, Margot | Jones, Denley | Oughton, Tim | Wilford, Rachel |
Dekkers, Wilj | Joyce, Fe | Palmer, Lesley | Wilkinson, Clare |
Derry, Natasha | Kelley, Alex | Parker, Cariad | Wilkinson, David |
Dinsenbacher, Pip | Kennedy, Simone | Percy, Heather | Williams, Kelsey |
Downes, Murray | Kent, Russell | Pettit, Vicki | Williams, Simon |
Duncan, Allyson | King, Russell | Pickering, Cameron | Wilson, Chris |
Dunster, Rochelle | Klebert, Rainer | Power, Leeanne |
Woodlock, Michael
Eathorne, Francesca | Knox, Bruce | Prentice, Barbara | |
Eddington, Alice | Larby, Kerry |
Price, Ann
Elliot, Clare
Laughlin, Lisa
Price, Grahame |