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We combine cutting edge technology and traditional music skills in the context of project based learning and innovative teaching techniques. In the creative industry it takes many people to produce an art work. Students learn how to be interdependent using each other’s strengths to build a collaborative community.
Tutors are available at the College to teach the following: |
St Andrew’s College consistently delivers high quality across all genres of music and students benefit from a well-resourced and staffed department.
Students are provided professional tuition in singing and a wide range of instruments, as well as regular opportunities for students to hone their performing skills in groups such as our extraordinary jazz and concert bands, choirs and rock bands.
This group is made up of students who are currently receiving music tuition. The group currently sits at about 20 players.
The orchestra plays musical arrangements which are specially written for the group. Rehearsals are taken by Ms Ros Emeleus and take place at lunchtime on Wednesdays.
Groups are formed each year depending on the instruments the students play.
This is an auditioned choir made of students in Years 6–8. This choir is directed by a specialist Music teacher and leads the weekly chapel services, and performs at school and community occasions. Practice times will be advised.
This choir is made up of students in Years 3–5 and rehearses once a week. A variety of songs are taught and performed on various occasions throughout the year. This choir is conducted by a specialist Music teacher.