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St Andrew's College Pre-school is a well-resourced specifically designed environment set within the wider St Andrew's College campus. Children at St Andrew's College Pre-school participate in whole school events and have access to the facilities used by students in the Preparatory and Secondary Schools – such as science labs, the television studio, the Preparatory School Library and the drama centre.
We will create a beautiful learning environment where children are guided to direct their own learning alongside professional teachers, family and whānau, and the local community.
To complement this, we value immensely the relationship between the Pre-school and the wider St Andrew’s College community. This resource enriches our curriculum and gives us the opportunity to work in partnership together to support the children’s ongoing learning journey.
We believe that children are full of inherent potential and we aspire to unlock this potential as we create a strong foundation built on our Six Priorities for Learning.
At the heart of all learning is the need for all children to have a sense of Wairua and connection to self. Children will have the opportunity to engage in a range of experiences that support them to be mindful, at peace, and to find joy living in the present moment.
Acknowledging children’s feelings allows them to build trust with their teachers and to develop social competence skills as they work alongside each other. In an aesthetically beautiful environment they learn to share ideas, work collaboratively, and problem-solve. In an ever-changing world the importance of adaptability is modelled in all aspects of the curriculum.
Adaptability encourages curiosity that enables children to take responsibility, and drive their own learning. Our professional teachers are reflective and committed to ongoing learning. They see themselves as a resource that empowers children to think and learn through promoting literacy, numeracy, creativity, science, and technology.
In preparing children to live as global citizens in a 21st century world, we provide a wide range of learning experiences that integrate sustainability and healthy ways of being, which respect and nurture all living things.
We celebrate the bicultural partnership inherent within Te Tiriti o Waitangi and weave this into our daily practice. Relationships are at the heart of our programme; we embrace all differing cultures and beliefs that our families encompass, which creates the rich tapestry of our programme.
Our Learning Programme is designed to encourage the children to investigate, discover, manipulate with Inquiry. Our teachers carefully plan each day in the Pre-school to integrate a broad range of curriculum areas and to extend each child’s experiences and learning. The younger children tend to make discoveries through art, construction and storytelling, while the older children learn through collaboration, research, creative writing, measurement, plan making, drama and dance.
The environment is regularly assessed and enriched in response to the needs and interests of the children. Teachers plan carefully to integrate as many curriculum areas as possible during the week and to extend each child’s experiences and learning.
Each child is able to choose freely from the following curriculum areas:
Pre-school children spend part of each morning with a key teacher. This is a valuable time for them to work in small groups and engage in inquiry-based learning.
One of the advantages of being part of the wider St Andrew’s College campus is that our children participate in whole school events, and have access to facilities used by students in the Preparatory and Secondary Schools, such as science labs, the television studio, Preparatory School library and drama centre.
Sitting alongside the curriculum is a carefully designed Enrichment Programme.
The optional charge (currently $8.50 per hour) is for inclusion in this programme. Please refer to the Fees Schedule for full Pre-school fee and optional charges information.
The Four-Year-Old Extension Class
St Andrew’s College Buildings, Facilities and Teaching Staff
Access to the wider College environment, including sports fields, gymnasiums, libraries, Science laboratories, art suites, theatres, Chapel and the specialists in these environments. Other specialist staff and teachers are called on as required, including Learning Support, Extension and Evaluation.
This does not include Ballet on a Wednesday / Thursday. Ballet costs $100 per term. Find out more about Ballet at St Andrew's here.
Afternoon Enrichment Programmes
These Curriculum areas are subject to change, depending on the interests and needs of the children.
Formal Parent Teacher Interviews are held in the first and third term of each year where child’s progress, interests, abilities and areas for development are shared. Observation and assessment sheets, record sheets and child profile books are kept and updated daily to document each child’s progress. The Head of the Pre-school and teachers are always available to speak with parents.
Parents are encouraged to spend time with their child in the Pre-school, to contribute to our programme, and to be involved in decision making concerning their child.
Notice Board
A parents' notice board is prominently displayed in the entrance to the Pre-school.
Operations Manual
The St Andrew’s College Pre-school Operations Manual is available at all times in the Parent Library. Policies and procedures are continually being reviewed and updated. Your comments and suggestions are valued.
Parent Evenings/Parent Participation
Parent evenings are held during Terms 1 and 3. Each term parents are invited to celebrate children’s learning at events including our Sports Day, Art Exhibition, Music Festival, Science Fair and a Nativity Play.