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At St Andrew’s College, we have a well-established Academic Extension and Enrichment (ACEE) programme. The programme recognises both performance and potential, and recognises that a student’s gifts and talents will emerge at times and in circumstances which are unique to that student. High achievers in sport and culture are also well supported at St Andrew’s through a range of programmes and initiatives.
Academically gifted and talented students in Years 9 and 10 may be invited into an option called ACEE (Academic Extension and Enrichment). Students can also self-select this programme.
Year 9 students work with a specialist teacher. This programme can include learning units based on philosophy, anthropology, coding and electronics, neuroscience, political science, sustainability, robotics, physics, and astrophysics. Students complete an individual ‘impact project’ over two terms.
Year 10 students also work with a specialist teacher and enjoy a deeper exploration into areas such as philosophy, neuroscience, sustainable development, political science, coding and electronics. Students also complete a Level 2 NCEA action-based assessment drawn from the Science domain.
Both Year 9–10 ACEE programmes offer the opportunity for students to present their individual and group projects to parents and teachers at a showcase expo in The Green Library and Innovation Centre in Term 4 of each year.
Year 9–10 ACEE students also have the opportunity to prepare for Brain Bee, a neuroscience competition for Year 11 students, participate in the Model United Nations Conference (MUNA), the Model European Union Conference, compete in the Ethics Olympiad, and attend two philosophy conferences each year.
Although there is no timetabled ACEE class in Years 11–13, students are monitored and provided opportunities to deepen their learning and experiences.
From Year 11, there are opportunities to continue with philosophy, the Australasian Brain Bee Competition (neuroscience-based), Model United Nations, Model European Union and Senior Future Problem Solving. Gifted and talented senior students also have the opportunity for extension, enrichment and acceleration within specific learning areas, such as English, Mathematics and Science. Higher level extension can be gained from enrolment in University of Canterbury STAR Programmes in Years 12–13.
Regarded as one of the eight most appropriate programmes for extending Gifted and Talented students, Future Problem Solving is a challenging team and individual activity requiring a high level of abstract reasoning and thinking. St Andrew’s College offers both a competitive and non-competitive programme where Years 9 and 10 students work through a problem solving process to create positive solutions to global issues such as Climate Change, Living in Space, Megacities and Enhancing Human Potential.
Students who are gifted and talented in sports will be catered for in the Elite Sports option. To find out more about our Elite Sports and High Performance Sports Programme please click here.
If you believe your child is gifted and talented, and you would like to find out more, you are warmly invited to book a tour with our Registrar, Lynn Smith by clicking here.