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Under the direction of Mark Hodgkinson, we offer the following orchestral groups in the Secondary School:
The Concert Orchestra is an intermediate ensemble mainly for Year 9–11 students. The players begin to develop their ensemble skills with music chosen to provide all instruments with moments to shine. Click here to watch the Concert Orchestra performing.
The Chamber Orchestra is for advanced musicians, usually in Years 12–13. The students perform difficult repertoire. Many of these musicians are chosen as members of the New Zealand Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra. Click here to watch the Chamber Orchestra performing.
For major events in the school year, such as Founder’s Day and the Annual Prizegiving, we combine the Concert and Chamber Orchestras. This group typically has 60-plus members with a good balance of strings, brass, wind and percussion. The Symphony Orchestra gives the musicians the experience of playing in a large orchestra, along with all the excitement that entails. Click here to watch the Symphony Orchestra performing.
Every year St Andrew’s enters six to eight groups in the national Chamber Music Competition. From 2016–2021, St Andrew's College students qualified for the national finals, with our trio "Vich Perfect" winning the competition in 2021.
These groups are for the most advanced classical musicians in the school at both junior and senior levels. Click here to watch the Chamber Music group performing.
During 2021 our musicians had some outstanding results:
2020 Successes: