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To ensure that applications by international students for fees refunds are dealt with fairly and consistently.
As a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, the school is required to have a fees refund policy.
The policy is in line with the following legislation:
• The Education Act 1989
• The Fair Trading Act 1986
• The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993
All tuition fees paid by international students are non-refundable. However, if students are required to return home because of
circumstances beyond their control (e.g. serious illness or a death in the family) a partial or full refund may be given. This is at the
discretion of the Rector.
Students wishing to apply for a refund must make an application in writing to the Rector setting out the special circumstances of the
claim. In making her decision, the Rector will judge each case on its merits. The following guidelines apply:
1. If the withdrawal is prior to the student coming to New Zealand, the tuition and boarding fees paid will be refunded in full minus a
$250 administration fee. The ‘Acceptance of Place’ fee will not be refunded.
2. If the student wishes to withdraw after arriving in New Zealand and commencing the programme, no refund will be made unless the
Rector, at her discretion, decides to allow one.
3. Where the Rector has decided to allow a refund, the Board may refund to the person who paid the fees in respect of the programme
any amount of the fees it thinks appropriate. Generally, deductions from fees paid will be made for:
• Administration fee of $500
• The Board’s best estimate of the cost of providing tuition up to the time of withdrawal
• The Board’s best estimate of the cost incurred for the use of resources and facilities up to the time of withdrawal
• Other costs already incurred, including agent’s fee
No refunds will be made:
• Where students are asked to leave the College because of misbehaviour, poor attendance or violation of College rules.
• Where students wish to transfer to another school for whatever reason.
• Where students return home for any reason other than serious illness, or the serious illness or death of a close member of the family.
• Where students acquire permanent residence status after having enrolled at the College or a work permit has been issued.
Click here to view our full International Learner Fee Protection and Refunds Policy.