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Year |
Years 1–2 |
Years 3–4 |
Years 5–6 |
Years 7–8 |
Years 9–13 |
Fee |
$19,200 |
$21,300 |
$22,900 |
$24,300 |
$27,900 |
$150 (non-refundable)
If an offer of enrolment is made, we will ask you to confirm acceptance with a non-refundable acceptance fee of $500, which includes the student's life membership of the Old Collegian Association, plus a non-refundable bond of $1000 which will be credited to your first College account when the first tuition charge is made.
Tuition and boarding fees are charged in ten equal monthly instalments (January to October) and become payable in the month following. It is mandatory for all new students to St Andrew's College to pay by direct debit.
Extra costs, such as stationery, Outdoor Education experiences, co-curricular photographs and external examination fees, are charged monthly.
Unpaid accounts attract a penalty of 1.5 per cent of the unpaid balance each month.
Families with three or more siblings at the College may receive a 10 per cent discount on tuition fees for the third child and subsequent children attending at the same time provided none receives a scholarship or any other form of financial assistance from the College.