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OC 2010
More news for 2010
As a storyliner and script editor for prime-time soap opera, Shortland Street, Will Robertson is in the unusual position of not being able to tell people what he does at work. “People often ask what’s coming up next in the show, but of course we can't say.” Part of Will’s role is to work in a team to create storylines around five months ahead of when the episodes actually screen. This means they are often second-guessing events well ahead of time. “It is an exciting job. I get a lot of joy from knowing so many people view the show, and that we cover some big issues and important stories which impact on the whole of New Zealand.” Will's favourite characters currently include plastic surgeon, Drew, and nurse Dawn. “I start to invest in the characters and care about them like they’re real people.”
Will left St Andrew’s with an English Outstanding Scholarship in Year 12, and an English Scholarship in Year 13. “I had really strong support from teachers like Mr McIntosh and Dr Curtis, who gave us the freedom to be more reactive in our approach to English, rather than simply writing a paint-by-number essay. This was a great base from which to approach my degree in English and Film at Victoria University, and later my career.”