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OC 2003
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Photographic artist James Voller’s large-scale photographic sculptures, commissioned by local councils and private institutions in Melbourne, where he lives, are causing many of the city’s residents to do a double take. In the last year, James has developed a technique to print images he has taken of every day spaces onto thick sheets of glass, which are fixed into the ground in concrete bases. This is an extension of his work creating ‘temporary’ public installations of photographs printed on to giant stickers, which have transformed nondescript spaces such as generators, public toilets and rubbish bins into works of art. James recently completed a Master of Fine Art by Research (High Distinction) through Monash University and also holds a coursework Master of Fine Arts from RMIT University, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Canterbury. His work has been included in several group exhibitions, including Streets of Gold at the Museum of London in 2012. James says St Andrew’s College was a ‘first class’ place to learn and make art. “I had access to some fantastic resources and have a lot to thank Art teachers Michelle Lawrence and Tony Brittenden for. They taught me how to ask questions and think outside the box, which created an easy transition to university.”