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OC 2021
More news for 2021
Jake Jackways took Materials Technology as he was intrigued by the hands-on aspect of working with metal, and says it was a 'nice change' from Science and Mathematics subjects. “Being able to do basic things with metal such as welding, seemed an important skill to have moving forward. I always looked forward to the classes, as Mr Murphy was a fun teacher who made them enjoyable and was always there to help when you needed it.”
Along with the practical work in the workshop, Jake enjoyed the design process of the subject. “We had to come up with multiple designs, then narrow them down, and adjust them to fit our projects. Now that I am studying Engineering at the University of Canterbury, which looks at designing ways to solve problems in all aspects of life, I feel that Materials Technology provides a brief introduction into the design process that engineers have to go through. It gives you a good taste of some aspects, and touches on many others, without the Science and Mathematics involved.”
Once he graduates, Jake is keen to work as an engineer in a company and travel overseas to work to gain new experiences.