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OC 2018
More news for 2018
Chase Jordan is in his final year at Massey University’s Veterinary School and is looking forward to star ting his first job in early 2024, in a mixed veterinary role in South Otago, covering small animals, production, and equine.
He has always been interested in farming and animal health care and took Agriculture as an option every year in the Secondary School at St Andrew’s, despite not having a farming background. The understanding he gained in areas like farming practices, management timings, and different farming and production systems were invaluable for his tertiary studies, including clinical placements, when he talked to farmers in the field.
Chase says the support of Head of Agriculture, Natasha Cloughley, was critical in setting him up for Veterinary School, and her husband, Richard, gave him valuable insights into the profession. Highlights of his time at St Andrew’s include an Agriculture trip to the College farm at Cave in Year 10, and Scholarship Agriculture discussion groups in Year 13.
In the future, Chase would love to travel and do veterinary locum work throughout the UK, Canada, and the USA. One day he would like to set up his own practice or buy into an existing clinic.