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Around 95 Old Collegians, ranging in age from 70 to 93 years old, gathered in the Strowan House dining room for the annual Gentlemen’s Luncheon on Friday 18 October 2019. This is always a wonderful occasion, giving our Old Collegians the chance to reminisce about the good old days and their time at St Andrew’s College. Guests enjoyed a delicious lunch, and a wonderful musical performance from Michael Lawrence. George Scrimshaw (1955) did a toast to absent friends and read the roll of those who had passed. Ray French (1946) said a beautiful Grace, and Ernie Poole (1950) proposed a lovely, and at times humorous, toast to the College, which had the guests laughing. Rector Christine Leighton said the Gentlemen’s Luncheon is one her favourite events of the year, and she enjoyed hearing the tales from the past, alongside Director of Development, Miranda Newbury, and Alumni and Events Co-ordinator, Kelsey Williams.