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This year’s Old Collegians Annual Dinner was held on Friday 11 September 2020. With the ‘new normal’ group gathering and social distancing protocols in place due to COVID-19, 85 Old Collegians and special guests gathered for this event. Meg Black (OC 2010), the new OCA President, provided a warm welcome to guests entering Strowan House and Stuart Munro (OC 2003) did a wonderful job as MC for the evening.
The evening began with the traditional piping of guests through to the dining room and the Address to the Haggis, performed by Jonathan Wells (OC 1987) and supported by Piper Richard Hawke (OC 1980), Mark Mulholland (OC 1973) and Geoff Spark (OC 1989). Meg Black in her Toast to the College acknowledged the College leadership team, staff and students with their continued ability to remain strong in the face of adversity, which was a true testament to the values and principles which St Andrew’s College holds so high. Rector, Christine Leighton, reinforced this sentiment, explaining the importance of community and connection was so important in 2020, including Old Collegian events like the Annual Dinner being able to go ahead.
The Alister Newton Cup for Service was awarded to Honorary Old Collegian and Past Rector, Barry Maister. Barry was Rector here at St Andrew’s College from 1995–2001. Tim Perry (OC 2006) won The Maginness Memorial Cup, Sports Personality of the Year for his feats on the rugby field. Finally, the Cockram Cultural Award went to Paul McNeil (OC 1979) who is an award-winning graphic designer and artist based in Tasmania.