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More news for Reunions
Many reconnections were made when 60 members of the class of 1985 gathered on Friday 27 September 2019. Organiser Geoff Spark said it was great to catch up, with some attendees not returning to the College in 30 years. “Most of us were able to recognise each other, but naturally a few have aged and changed shape a little since our school days. We attended a Secondary School assembly and were interested in a slideshow put together by Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein, which outlined some of the changes in education over the last 30 years. Girls were integrated into the school the year after we left, and what a great vision it was to make St Andrew’s College co-ed.”
After a tour of the College and morning tea, Evert gave the attendees a “snapshot” of where the College is at today. “We were all heartened by the success of St Andrew’s and the extremely bright future ahead with full rolls and amazing opportunities for students,” says Geoff. The group met again that evening at a city bar, where many wives and partners also gathered. Stories about school days were shared long into the night and the group is already planning another get together in a couple of years’ time.