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The Old Collegians Association office is situated in Strowan House. Please check in at the Strowan House reception. Office hours are 7.30am-3.30pm, Monday-Friday.
To contact the Old Collegians Association please email or phone on +64 3 940 2085.
Patron: Rector, Christine Leighton
President: Sam Crosbie (OC 2009)
Immediate Past President: Meg Black (OC 2010)
Senior Vice President: Louise Merrick (OC 2012)
Junior Vice President: Zoe Merrick (OC 2014)
Olivia Brown (OC 2010)
Gideon Couper (OC 1987)
Phil de Joux (OC 1994)
Nick Letham (OC 2001)
Kelvin McMillan (OC 1977)
Stuart Munro (OC 2003)
Greg Reynolds (OC 1973)
Board Nominee: Stephanie Bain (OC 1992)
OCA Manager/Secretary: Lisa Clark
Accountant: College Accountant
Auditor: BDO