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Sometimes in life we are forced to wait and that can feel inconvenient and uncomfortable. However, the process of waiting has opportunities within it that can prepare us for what’s ahead of us – if we learn to wait well.
College Chaplain, Rev. Paul Morrow
Gracious God,
Thank you for being patient with us,
Waiting for us to respond to you,
Waiting for us to respond to each other in kind.
This pandemic and lockdown have forced us into waiting,
Some of us feel uncertainty for what is ahead,
Some of us feel discouraged,
Some of us feel a sense of hopelessness.
Dear God,
In this time of waiting,
Help us to see from a new perspective,
Help us to see good in the difficult.
And give us the confidence
That whatever problems we face
We always have reason to look forward
Reason to believe in the future,
And reason to hope.
Lord of all hopefulness
Hear our prayer,
In the name of Christ. Amen