We invite you to view a recording of this week's message – Generosity.
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Over the past month, we trust that your time in lockdown has included relaxation and opportunity to regroup with your family or those directly in your home bubble. Chaplaincy Online is now in its fourth week and a resource that has been set up to continue the Chaplaincy contact and support throughout this time of isolation. The messages and reflections have been designed for a wider audience and will be updated during term time.
This week includes a podcast recording of our two Heads of College, Hugh Montgomery and Emily Tyrrell, who interview Bryan Stronach (Old Collegian and Head Boy 1998). Bryan is currently the General Manager for High Performance Cricket New Zealand and he brings great insights to this period of time.
We trust the time remaining in Alert Level 3 includes support for you and your loved ones. Please know that our Chaplaincy and Guidance Team are here to support you at any stage.
Assistant Chaplain, Jo Morrow
“Every inhalation of the breath prolongs life; and when the air is exhaled, it refreshes the soul. Therefore, each breath confers two blessings and for each blessing a thank is due.”
Saadi Shirazi, Thirteenth Century Persian Poet.
In times of crisis, pain or loss remembering small acts of gratitude can play a part in our heart and mind leading our response to situations out of our control. For each of us this time will bring about its own levels of difficulty, but within this time is the ability to know the significance of gratitude, even if it is to start each day with knowing that it is a blessing to be able to breathe.
For centuries the art of breathing has been taken seriously by those who know its power. However, this simple act, which is pivotal for life, is largely taken for granted. When visiting someone who is reliant on a respirator to aid breathing, we hear the mechanical support the natural and, in this time, we are reminded that our breath is a blessing. A few years ago, I read an article which was based on the idea that the name of God, known as Yahweh, is comprised of aspirated consonants, or breathing sounds in the Hebrew alphabet, YHWH. Which raised the question among some thinkers: ‘What if the name of God is the sound of breathing?’
We are all wired to find what makes us happy and, in this search, can miss simple things, that can have greatest impact on us. Research has shown that gratitude plays a significant role in our search for happiness. Recognising that our mind and heart as key components in making this happen. What if we started each day thankful as we recognise our first breath?
While we recognise the pain of change, the unknown and difficult, may we take time to breathe and contemplate God’s blessings in our lives and, in this process, may we simplify and be grateful for the gift of life.